Thanksgiving Helpers

20 November 2009 Filed In: all the rest, sweet potato, Thanksgiving

The Tribeca Yummy Mummy kitchen got a whole lot fuller last yesterday when all the kids from my daughter’s pre-K class came over to help me make sweet potato pie. We used the filling for my sweet potato casserole and, instead of marshmallows on top, we cut out puff pastry shapes and sprinkled crumbled amaretti over the top. It was lush.

If you find it hard to bring your children into the kitchen with you to help at feast times and during the holidays, consider starting a tradition by making a single dish together with which they can truly lend a hand. All my mini-chefs are so proud when their dish comes out of the oven and they are able to say that they helped to make it.
Their expressions alone make me give thanks for the time we set aside to cook something with one another, finding a recipe that will quickly become an heirloom.
(Check out the Thanksgiving category on this blog and brainstorm what might make it on your family’s make-it-together list.)

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