
15 March 2011 Filed In: all the rest, corner view, tribeca, Uncategorized

Just a few weeks to go before the mini-nugget arrives!  It has been hairy around here with a big leak, insurance people and then construction workers coming in and out, stomach viruses, husbands away in Mexico City, and this baby’s prenatal karate practice.  Trying to find my center in the middle of the chaos.  Each week the belly grows, and my center shifts.  Just when I think that things are quieting down, another surprise pops up.

Chaotic or not, my baby and I are heading into the final stretch.  I find myself starting to daydream about who this child is: Boy? Girl?  Blue Eyes?  Green Eyes?  Brown?  A talker like his/her brother?  An artist like his/her sister?  Always late like my dad?  Always early like my mom?  A dog lover like Sean’s father?  Able to handle any situation with grace and ease like Sean’s mom?  Not to mention all of the qualities that will be all his or her own….

For now, we’re all hugging the belly, patting it, talking to it and singing to it.  Liev told it a secret last week (It was just between the two of them).  Mira promised it a few things (I will teach you how to ice skate when you’re three).  Sean rubbed it for an hour straight.  I just try and stay conscious, in these final weeks, of the movements and shifts coming from within, knowing that this sweet time when the baby and I are completely one will pass soon enough.  I do not want to miss a thing.

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