Sewing for la Mama: Mariposa Dress from HANDMADE BEGINNINGS

11 April 2011 Filed In: Crafts, sewing, tribeca, Uncategorized

This is my first pregnancy where the due dates falls while the weather still may or may not be warm.  It snowed in New York City last year in early May, and while that is slightly unusual, it was not exactly shocking to see snow flakes falling so late in the game.

With Mira and Liev, I had plenty of time to stretch my belly out into dresses and hot weather clothing.  Honestly, since I was still teaching yoga then, half my time was spent in yoga pants and tank tops.

This baby is cooking a bit earlier, so I have to step up my game.  My two pairs of maternity pants, and even the words “maternity pants” make me cringe at this point, are looking sad and overworked after the long, hard winter.  So, despite the grazillion other things that perhaps I should be doing at this point, I decided to whip up The Mariposa Dress from Anna Maria Horner‘s book HANDMADE BEGINNINGS: 24 Sewing Projects to Welcome Baby.  Because, sometimes this late in the game, la Mama just needs a beautiful dress to get her through the last days of a long winter and the waiting.  Well, that and some leopard print heels.

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