Oliver + S Peacock Bubble Dress

09 June 2011 Filed In: Crafts, sewing

Ok, how could I resist?  Baby Genevieve clearly needed an Oliver + S Bubble Dress in the 0-3 month size sewn for her, and her big sis shouldn’t be the only one on top of the trends.  So, yes, here is Baby G in her peacock bubble ensemble.

I had never considered this pattern for Mira.  To tell you the truth, it just seems that Mira was not a bubble dress kind of girl by the time I discovered Oliver + S patterns.  But Genevieve?  Oh yes!  She is a bubble girl.

Speaking of bubbles, while she was holding them back a bit here when she modeled her new dress, she has been entertaining herself lately by blowing a bubble or two.  As you can see, she is smiling away.  Sometimes it is a shy, private smile, and other times it is a full on full-of-light beamer.  With her smiles, she has each of her family members wrapped firmly around her little finger.

Then, when she blows the little bubbles?  Well, let’s just say that this girl knows how to take it to the limits of what we can all handle.

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