Archive: July 2009

Sour Cherry Jam

30 July 2009

When I did a jamming and preserving demo at the Greenmarket last Wednesday, I had a lot of people coming by and asking what the difference between a sour and a regular cherry was. We had some sour cherries out for the people passing by to see and taste if they wanted. One neighborhood woman […]

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Chocolate Mousse Ice Cream Sundae (My Secrets Revealed)

29 July 2009

Hi. My name is Tribeca Yummy Mummy, and I am an addict. An ice cream addict. And a pusher with a long history. Aside from babysitting, my very first job was scooping ice cream at The Pink Dipper in North Augusta, SC. I traveled all the way over the bridge from Georgia for the pleasure. […]

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Oven Roasted Tomato Pasta with Scallops

26 July 2009

When we had scallops a couple of weeks ago and we said nothing about them being special meatballs, Mira looked at them through the corner of her eye very unpleasantly and would not come near them. This time, she ate her portion with relish. What? Didn’t you know that scallops are the “meatballs of the […]

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Mother Gooseberry’s Jam

24 July 2009

Have you ever tried a gooseberry? Before coming to New York and finding them at the farmer’s market on Union Square, I had only heard tell of them in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, where the “gooseberries [wallpaper] taste like gooseberries, and the schnozberries taste like schnozberries.” Still haven’t gotten to try a schnozberry… […]

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Corner View: 7:45

22 July 2009

The theme this week for Jane’s Corner View was to show exactly what we saw at 7:45 P.M. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.  Sad as it is to admit it, 7:45 is very very late in the day for us.  We’re wrapping things up, heading back toward home for bath and bedtime for the kids after […]

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