Category: ebleskivers

Three-Cheese Buckwheat Ebleskivers

03 February 2011

In our family, ebleskivers-the sweet kind served with maple syrup or jam- are a tradition when the family is all together.  My mom’s well-used, well-worn pan comes out of hiding into its special place of honor on the stovetop.  Each ebleskiver cup is filled with melted butter first and then batter to make those light, […]

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Ebleskivers with Berry Compote (I’m BAAAAAAAck!)

06 January 2009

Happy New Year, Yummies!  Since I’ve been my mom’s sous-chef for the past few weeks and had little time to do anything but follow the Boss-Lady’s orders around the kitchen, it seems fitting to share a wonderful recipe that she has passed on to me.   Actually, this recipe had a circuitous way of getting […]

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