Category: Christmas

Yummy Projects: A Little Elfing with Fabric Jewelry

06 December 2009

Shhhh! It’s a surprise….

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Chocolate Salami

04 December 2009

A special visitor came to our cooking class this week. My Brazilian friend Roberta’s mama was in town and offered to swing by and teach the children to make a Christmas treat. Sonia has a catering business of her own back in Sao Paulo, teaches within a program that helps low income teenagers become skilled […]

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Acorn Squash Cups Filled with Pomegranate Rice Pilaf

09 October 2009

This past week, the clitter clatter of lots of little feet returned to the Tribeca Yummy Mummy kitchen. For our first official cooking class of the school year, we broke out the seasonal foods, including some acorn squash that the kids picked out on their field trip to the greenmarket. We scooped out the seeds, […]

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Vanilla Panna Cotta with Pomegranate Seeds (and a belated Corner View: White)

05 October 2009

Fall in New York City brings the visitors and the dinner guests, the students and the indoor play dates. We all begin to turn more to indoor activities, and our home comes alive with even more activity than in the warmer months. With this healthy parade of guests, we find special dishes that our family […]

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Cinnamon Toast Butter

02 September 2009

In our family, my husband is the French toast maker. His technique is genius and even his French toast made with sprouted bread tastes fantastic. In a few weeks, I hope to share his recipe here, but for now, let me let you in on one of the secret ways that Mira, Liev, and I […]

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