Gingerbread House Decorating With Our Family

12 December 2012 Filed In: all the rest, Christmas, tribeca, Uncategorized

The past weekend in New York City was rainy and dreary, and by the end of it, Mira and Liev were bored and whining and beginning to fight.  There’s nothing like two consecutive days inside to start trouble between siblings.  To make things worse, my husband was off in Florida attending and speaking at Engage!12 , which meant everyone was even more out of sorts.  The evenings, at the Witching Hour, are particularly nerve wracking.

Even for Gigi some sort of ennui seemed to be seeping in.  So, when Church Street School for Music and Arts called me up on Monday to ask whether I would be willing to take home one of their gingerbread kits and blog about it, I had one vision.  My kitchen would be a bit of a mess, but my kids would be smiling and engaged.  Yes, please!

A special box was waiting for Mira and Liev  when they got home from their after-school activities.  They were so excited to open it up and get started right away, but a solid dinner first is key since a lot of that decorating candy will end up in their mouths.  Better to feed them up beforehand so that they’re not bouncing off the walls when the gumdrops are unleashed!

While I prepared dinner, all three kids sat down at the table with a piece of paper and a pencil to jot down their design ideas for our house.  Genevieve is still in her avante-garde phase of design, but she was included all the same.

After dinner, we really got down to business.  We looked over the design ideas, opened our kit to see what we had to work with, and  talked about how we could use some of our ideas with the candy provided in our kit.  We even supplemented the kit with the last of our Halloween candy (Aw, yeah!).

We got out some paint brushes to use with the frosting.  Church Street School provides popsicle sticks for this, but my kids love to paint and wanted to use brushes instead.  Who am I to interfere with their inner artiste?

Lollipop in mouth, Liev spread the icing over the roof.  He had designed a roof with candy corn shingles that we all felt was perfect, but since we didn’t have any candy corn, Mira suggested that we use Smarties and Sweet Tarts and gum drops instead.

Genevieve excitedly announced, “CANDY!!!” several times while snatching a few treats from the table.  She crashed a few minutes later, and while I gave her a bath and put her in her crib, I told the big kids that they could each have a side of the house to decorate any way they wanted.

Being devotees of chocolate, they both tapped the m&m supply for their design.  While I wasn’t there to witness it, it seems like there might have been something like this going on: “One for me, one for the house”.  You know what?  They were not fighting at all.  Instead, “That looks great, Liev!” and “Oh, that’s a good idea, Mira!” were the things I heard coming from my kitchen.

When Genevieve was in bed and I rejoined them, we figured out we wanted to showcase the cute gummy penguins and have rainbow windows and doors.  In a few more minutes, our house was complete.

Have you ever decorated a gingerbread house for the holidays?  Do you start out with a design or just jump in?

Thank you, Church Street School for Music and Art!  Not only do you make my kids happy on a regular basis with your one-of-a-kind-in-this-neighborhood teachers and classes, you totally made my family’s night.  What a delicious way to kick off the Christmas season!!!

Happy Hannukah!

09 December 2012 Filed In: all the rest, tribeca, Uncategorized

Happy Hannukah!  Hope you’re celebrating in the best ways!  We Bruce-Lows are never ones to miss out on a tradition that involves doughnuts… and Gigi was most definitely ready to play along.

After Sandy

06 November 2012 Filed In: all the rest, new york, tribeca

A week ago, we were immersed in darkness and that strangely timeless time after the storm hit.  We ventured out into the daylight to see how our neighborhood had fared.

Some of the trees, really so few of them all things considered, were lying on their sides with their roots exposed.  How sad to reach down and touch them and bid them farewell.  Many of their tree neighbors, against all odds, still stood rooted firmly to their place in the neighborhood, firmly to their place in the park.  Spindly, teenage trees in Battery Park City, where the water rose so high, managed to hold on for dear life, and older more established trees with thick roots were blown to the ground.  It’s hard to understand why some fell and some did not.

Right now our internet speed is rivaling the days of dial-up, but I wanted to come here, for those who have emailed me and been worrying, to say that we kept our roots absolutely intact last week.  Never have I felt more part of this community of mine with so much love coming my family’s way.  Things, for us, are getting back to normal, but, as I hope you have heard, the same cannot be said for some families.

Downtown has mobilized now that we have the power back on, but another storm is on its way to the North East.  People need blankets, coats, scarves, gloves, hats, diapers, sanitary products, cleaning supplies, work gloves, baby wipes, tarps, and many more things to ensure they end up safe and well on the other side of this storm.  Please consider clicking over to this Amazon wish list for an easy way to help, no matter how far away you might be.  Even a small donation could make a gigantic difference in the lives of these displaced people.

On a much, much lighter note, this chicken soup I made early on Tuesday morning and kept on simmer for three days, was delicious, warm, and so comforting when our family needed comfort.  Bug hugs and kisses to you, Yummies.  New York, shine on!

This Moment: Soccer Sisters

05 October 2012 Filed In: this moment, tribeca, Uncategorized

Happy Friday, Yummies.  Hope your weekend is warm and wonderful!

This is Horrible!

26 September 2012 Filed In: all the rest, corner view, tribeca, Uncategorized

Our tiny dancer was appalled by her toddler ballet class.  The worst offense seemed to be the choice of music.  She looked at me quizzically when the teacher put on songs like “If You’re Happy and You Know It” and “I’m a Little Teapot”.  What, she seemed to ask with her eyes, is this garbage?  Put on some Katy Perry, some One Direction, some Talking Heads, some Snoop Lion, for goodness’ sake!  After a couple of minutes of this, she gathered her things (sparkly gold purse is a MUST for making a dramatic exit!) and demanded to leave.

We did stay for the entire class, but Genevieve, the girls who adores our near-daily family dance parties, was not at all impressed with ballet.  I tried not to laugh during class, especially since the (very sweet) teacher and a couple of the other mommies seemed so serious about it.  It was an almost exact repeat of what happened when I tried to take Mira to ballet at this age.  Judging by the fact that Mira is now a dedicated and beautiful dancer, it’s hard not to just laugh these toddler moments off.

Genevieve might ask if she had the words: When do they offer hip hop, y’all?

(For more CORNER VIEWS from around the world with a THIS IS HORRIBLE! theme, head over to Francesca’s blog.)