Chickpea Flour

12 August 2009 Filed In: beauty, chickpeas

Ok, so we’re back from NoCal, the equivalent of a blogging black hole for me. Last week our family spent some time with my parents and younger brother in Cali while my husband gave a speech in San Francisco. It’s not that we didn’t cook, or that we didn’t eat just sickly amazing food, it’s that, while I’m there, things seem to turn completely inward, and I cannot get anything particularly productive done. So, here I am again, very refreshed after seeing parents/grandparents, godparents, brothers/uncles and friends-including, a delightful new friend, 7 week old Maryem, the daughter of my friend Catrina.

We hung out a lot in the sunshine and had to apply oodles of sunscreen since all of us were not blessed with a Mediterranean complexion. (re: We’re serious whities.) All of that slathering reminded me to share a trick we have to get any lingering sunscreen off and to exfoliate very gently in the process by using chickpea flour. It’s very safe for children and you can make a lot of chickpea flour for hardly any money at all.
This is not a recipe, per se, but here is what you do. Help your Yummy measure out 2 cups of dry chickpeas. Pour the chickpeas into your food processor*** with the blade attachment and process until you have a powdery flour, about 5-10 minutes.
To use on your face, take a teaspoon for children or a tablespoon of the chickpea flour for Big People and mix it in a small bowl with an equal amount of water. Wet your skin, and rub the chickpea flour around in little circular motions, avoiding the eye area. Rinse off with warm water. For the rest of your body, apply the flour to a wet washcloth and then to the skin in circular motions.

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