On My Kitchen Counter/Wood: A Double Feature Corner View

08 March 2011 Filed In: all the rest, corner view

On my kitchen counter, there is always a whir of activity.  It’s definitely the center point in our home, and it’s the place where you will usually find us all in the middle of one project or another.

As you can see, our counter is essentially a giant wooden butcher block.  I love the way it tells the story of all the meals made and art projects and dinner parties that we’ve held and that of the family who lived here before us.  It’s a warm place where mamas gather around and talk during cooking class, and kids pull up a stool in front of to stir, or glue, or sit and watch.

Do you spy the blue harmonica?  Sometimes it’s a place to sit and play a song.

While it isn’t perfect or at all fancy, like marble or even granite, and you can see its dings and scratches, it is well loved and has a life of its own.

Wood you, could you?  Check out these Corner View with the theme “Wood”:

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