Preemio Award

02 June 2009 Filed In: all the rest

Have you been over to Mommy Gourmet?  She honored me with the Preemio Award an embarrassingly long time ago.  That’s fantastic because, well, who doesn’t just love to get an award.  But then, instead of a little speech or a thank you, the award is given with the request that you share seven things about yourself.  Thanks, Vanessa (cough cough. gulp.)

Here are my 7 things
*For a few years, I catered out of my 80 square foot kitchen, a kitchen that I shared with two roommates, in the East Village.  I had no good cookware, very few implements, and had to be both resourceful and creative about how I worked.  Now that there is a bit more space for me to spread out, I remain utterly grateful for every extra square inch.  
*Flavors in order of Yumminess factor: Sweet, Sour, Salty, Bitter, Spicy.  (I wrote and rewrote this list several times, reconsidering the last four tastes, but sweet always stayed in the #1 slot.)
*Other women collect shoes or jewelry; I have my pots.  My treasured collection of new and vintage Le Creuset and Catherine Holm pots is pictured above.  They make me happy just looking at them.
*I cannot make brownies.  Not even from the box.  
*The hotter it is, the happier I am.  108 degrees and 100% humidity?  Sign me up!  Maybe that’s why being in a kitchen feels so good.
*My favorite meal of all time was cooked by my Uncle Bob, Ex-Aunt Sadie, and Cousin Robert.  It was simple: rice, beans, homemade tortillas, and Robert’s Black Forest Cake.  I will remember that meal till the day I die.
*I live with the three yummiest people: my husband Sean, my daughter Mira, and my little son Liev.  A few things that make living with them fun: they enjoy ABBA dance parties, all of them love chocolate, and can make seriously delicious French toast (Sean) and seriously gorgeous rainbows (Mira) and seriously cute jokes (Liev, though usually these funny jokes are potty humor)
In turn, these are the people that I’m giving this award and who must be fascinating people because their blog-writing always entertains:

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